I am an Associate Professor and the head of TExtual Data ANAlytics (TEANA) laboratory in the Computer Science Department at Wayne State University. I am passionate about machine learning and its applications to real-life problems. My and my lab's work focuses on developing novel and applying existing machine/deep learning and probabilistic methods to biomedical informatics, natural language processing and information retrieval. Since its inception in 2013, TEANA lab has graduated 4 Ph.D. and 1 M.S. students, who have secured jobs in industry and academia, and hosted 1 post-doctoral fellow.
Prospective students
I am always looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students with strong background in mathematics and statistics, who are passionate about machine learning and applications to natural language processing and biomedical informatics. If you have the required background, ambitious goals for your Ph.D. and the work ethic necessary to achieve them, please email me your resume. I am also interested in working on research projects with strong undergraduate or masters students.